Sunday, August 15, 2010

First post


Try number two, guys! I still can't type in Portuguese, but at least everyone can access this blog!

Last night I went to a small party. My friends Julian and Sarah wanted to celebrate their friend Mallory being back in town, even though she was only back for two nights. So we all went to Gene's house and had homemade pizza. Mallory made a delicious white cake with chocolate frosting. (No, really, the frosting had rum and espresso in it. I almost melted. x.x)

After dinner, we all sat around and had caipirinhas. (kinda... we don't make them exactly right. :/) Then everyone started telling stories in British accents, except for Julian, who decided to be contrary and therefore eastern European. Julian told the myth of Aphrodite and Hephaestus, and Sara told the tale of how LoolaGweffeth (no, that is not spelled correctly. f***ing welsh...) got his name and his arms from Arianrhod. (that is spelled correctly. ...f***ing welsh.) Mallory told the old Jewish story of the creation of Lillith's children, which is an older version of the story of Genesis. By then we had to go home, but it was really fun!

Well, really, it's that we had to leave Gene's because she wanted to sleep. Julian and Sara came over to Rachel's and my new apartment for a spell, wherein we played the ukulele and surfed youtube.

Then sleep happened. For real this time.


  1. This is great. There is a lot to a night with good friends and good conversation. Don't foget to let us know what is the new ap number.


