Sunday, September 26, 2010


So, the other day I was sitting on a bus with Rachel, and I saw her pull out a set of lyrics from her portuguese class. It was a song by Caetano Veloso. I go, "Hey! we should listen to it together." She pulls out her iphone; I pull out my splitter. Away we go. I'm expecting something cute based on the lyrics. However! Once the song starts to play, a sudden realization hits me.

I have heard this song a million times already and just never bothered to learn the words.

O Leaozihno. XD I think half of Pittsburgh thinks I'm crazy now from how often I just start giggling to myself on busses. eh.

Also, Rachel wants to know if there's a magazine she can subscribe to in the US that is in Portuguese and pertains to her interests. Think Cosmo.

1 comment:

  1. Of all Caetano's songs, that it's not one of my favorites. He has so many others that I love. I don't know of any magazine here but I can subscribe for one in Brasil that would be delivered to your ap. I will look for one and let you know.


